Friday 30 May 2014


Hello again readers!

Imagine, you are listening your favorite song, you're enjoying a lot, but.. Oh! You don't know what is singing the singer in a certain moment... You want to know the lyrics of the song and you don't no how... To solve that problem we have the online application Dotsub. In this app you can download your video to insert lyrics as captions, the only thing you have to do is search for the lyrics on Google (for example) and copy those lyrics in the captions of the video that Dotsub offers you. 

From my point of view this is a good app, you can insert the lyrics on the video in an elegant way, on time with the song, also you can insert the lyrics in many languages and later chose one, even if you don't want to do the translating work you can pay for it and the same page will translate the lyrics into the language you have chosen. 

Obviously we have been working with this application in the last weeks, and the song we have chosen is American Idiot from Green Day. It's a song that we like a lot, the instrumental is amazing and the lyrics are really good. Green Day is an American punk rock band formed in 1987. The band consists of lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong, bassist and backing vocalist Mike Dirnt, drummer Tré Cool and guitarist and backing vocalist Jason White, who became a full member after playing in the band as a session and touring guitarist for 13 years. If you want more information about the members of the group, click on their names on the text and if you want more information about the music band in general, click here.

We have done this work in pairs, and the blog of my partner is Urreta's Blog, if you want to visit it.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Music Quiz!!

Hello again readers!

This time I offer you our last work that consist in a quiz. A Music Quiz!!

Here I left you the link to make it and prove how much do you know about the genre of music, you can find all types of questions, from questions about musicians to characteristics of some instruments, so that's all, hope you enjoy it and don't forget it, do the Quiz!

Monday 31 March 2014

Women's Rights

Hello again readers!

We have talked about music, mind maps, the danger of the social webs, google sites, the nobel prize, San Valentine... Even we have written a story of many different writers! All those things are marvelous, but we also have to talk about serious things. 

The abuses against women are sadly a  common topic in our society, this is a really worrying piece of information and we are getting use to this really bad problem. Do you know that in Spain, the 9,6% of the women suffered an abuse? That means nearly one women out of ten! And the worst thing, is that only 3,6% of those women declared the mistreat.

 We have to do something, this horrible stat can't be true, in the ``modern´´ society where we live can't exist such abomination, the genre violence is a thing of the past, one thing, that we have to change already, but also can't be forgotten, 
because it is there,
 and if we don't do something to stop it, 
it must continue here.

Here I left you the virtual poster that we have done in class.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Google Sites!!!!

Hello again readers!

Recently we have been working on Google Sites, we have created our own company, we have music shops, Hotels, cloth shops, animal shops, photograph studios, airlines... Even a Casino! 

My business in particular is a cultural shop, the Art&M Cultural Shop! We sell all type of music instruments and painting tools... The variety of the prices is also incredible, we have since classic guitars that costs 160€ to Stradivarius Violins that costs 3.800.000€; and all the shipping costs are included.

We also sell paintings and we made portraits to order if you go to the shop, that is located on the really beautiful Italy, on the magic city of Venice.

But this site is private, and you may think way. The thing is that we have done this page with the only purpose of learning how to do it, for that, we have chosen pictures of other people, so because of that, we can't make the site public.

If all the roads end in Rome, all the tourists end in 
If all the tourists end in Venice, all of them have to buy something in our Cultural Shop.

If you want to visit the web site click Art&M

Friday 14 February 2014

San Valentine Today!

Hello again readers!

Today is San Valentine! Use this special day to surprise that boy or girl you love, make today one of the best days of their lives, and don't forget it! Probably that person will do with this day, the best day of your life;)
To finish this short post I have written a poem, but I'm not very well writting in English so the text will be in Spanish.

¿Que es eso?
¿No lo notáis?
Esta en el aire,
se respira en el ambiente
Y se acerca...
Las flores brillan,
Sonrisas florecen,
La alegría nace en los corazones
La primavera se cierne sobre nosotros
¿Pero como asignar un día a tal sentimiento?
¿Como encerrar tal fuerza en tal corto periodo de tiempo?
Como lo haréis si es imposible...
No podemos nombrar un día
a un sentimiento
No podemos asignar una fecha para el amor
Pero puede que sea algo
mas positivo
Porque puede que este mundo este derruido
y sea oscuro
Pero nada podemos hacer contra millones de personas
que aman al mismo tiempo
Puede que sea realmente bueno,
porque de esta manera
Recordamos al ser humano
Que no todo es odio y codicia
Que por un día, pueden reinar el amor y la alegría.

Monday 16 December 2013

Nobel Prize, José Saramago

Hello again readers!

This time I'm going to write about the Nobel Prizes, this prizes are given by the Swedish Academy since 1895, when the chemist, engineer, innovator, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel started with the prizes, a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Swedish and Norwegian committees in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances.

In 1998 the Portuguese writer José de Sousa Saramago received the Literature Nobel prize, because his works, some of which can be seen as allegories, commonly present subversive perspectives on historic events, emphasizing the human factor. I  have chosen this man because his incredible rich language and the form he writes his writings or poems, here you have one of them:

Es tan hondo el silencio
"Es tan hondo el silencio en las estrellas/

Ni el son de las palabras se propaga/

ni el canto de las aves milagrosas./

Pero allá, en las estrellas, cuando somos/

un astro redimido, es donde se oye/

 el íntimo rumor que abre las rosas."

Saramago was born in 1922 into a family of landless peasants in Azinhaga, Portugal, a small village in Ribatejo Province  one hundred kilometres north-east of Lisbon. "Saramago", the Portuguese word for wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum), was his father's family's nickname, and was accidentally incorporated into his name upon registration of his birth.

This man suffered a lot when his grandfather suffered a stroke and was to be taken to Lisbon for treatment, Saramago recalled, "He went into the yard of his house, where there were a few trees, fig trees, olive trees. And he went one by one, embracing the trees and crying, saying good-bye to them because he knew he would not return. To see this, to live this, if that doesn't mark you for the rest of your life," Saramago said, "you have no feeling."

More than two million copies of Saramago's books have been sold in Portugal alone and his work has been translated into 25 languages.

A proponent of libertarian communism, Saramago was criticized by institutions such as the Catholic Church, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, with whom he disagreed on various issues. An atheist, he defended love as an instrument to improve the human condition.

Here can see the moment when the academy gave the award to this man:

José Saramago, Nobel Prize

I have to mention also the man who liberate Africa and have die recently, the for ever immortal in our hearts, Nelson Mandela. He received the Peace Nobel Prize in 1993, but this important award isn't enough recognition for the incredible work that has done this man. Click here if you want more information about him.

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” — Nelson Mandela 

In Memoriam


Sunday 24 November 2013

Hello again readers!

Here I left you a mind map that I have done it about music style, I hope you would like it.